
As a kid I was without a doubt a tomboy. I LOVED to play in the dirt, climbing trees, playing in the forest, getting dirty and I loved all the things, boys were usually doing. I wanted to go to the funfairs only to shoot the air rifles. My dad also owned an air rifle and I spent endless hours shooting targets on our terrace.

So as an adult I got fascinated with hunting because of the obvious cleaner way of eating meat, and being in nature. But also because of the weapons. I’m probably still a grown tomboy….

Competition and challenges

I’m also a sucker for competition. Not board games though, because I’m such a bad looser! Not team sports, I’m not always a good team player.
But let challenge myself, give me some good guidance… and I’m hooked! Like… give me a gun in my hand, show me how to use it, teach me how to be a good shooter, and I will do my uppermost to go to the moon from there 😆

That’s why it shouldn’t be a big surprise, that I love going to the shooting range! When the other hunters just wanted to zero in their rifles I would spend hours on precision shooting at 100-200 meters.

Field shooting also got my interest, shooting at targets at different distances is a lot of fun. I was at my first field shooting just before the Covid, leaving a hole the years around Covid. And then we moved to Sicily – everything was reset!

Sicily – a new start – a reset

We couldn’t bring our rifles! The danish police and the italian police didn’t cooperate that well and we had to start all over. We spent 2 years on getting our weapon licenses – two attempts including medical consultations, psychiatrist interviews, alcohol and drug tests, weapons and shooting lessons – and we were finally there.

The waiting time was spent on the shooting range, where we rented pistols and had a lot of fun shooting targets. Again, I just couldn’t just pull the trigger and shoot 200 rounds in 15 minutes… For me it was the precision, the slower, more precise shooting that made my heart purr like a cat. Hooked on pistols as well now 🤦🏼‍♀️

We had already signed up for Extreme Shot Italia III in 2023, but we didn’t get our licenses until March 2024. We were actually not even sure if we would be able to attend the Extreme Shot Italia IV. It seemed so far away when we just got our license. We ordered our first rifle shortly after, but things move slow in Sicily and we got the rifle late July when I was still on vacation in Denmark.

Got the message, that only ONE shooter per rifle is allowed at the competition. The decision was made – I was going to shoot – Claus was going to spot. And the game was on! Training started late August, first shooting at longer range (600-900 m) September 8th. First shot at 1000 m September 16th.

Extreme Shot Italia IV, 500-2000 m

Extreme Shot Italia is on right now, as I’m writing.

© 2018